
I have always paid attention to what I apply to my skin. At least, I thought so that way. Little did I know about the damage caused by costly, branded products. The damage that is not directly visible. But there was something that was disturbing me more – my addiction to these chemical laden products. I realized this when I finished my bottle of a nice, sweet-smelling deodorant. When I could not repurchase a new bottle on time, I felt my body could not go without it even for a day. I hated that I was dependent on a bottle of chemicals to smell and feel great. I wanted to change this.

A conventional deodorant available in the market is made with dangerous chemicals like aluminum compounds, triclosan, propylene glycol and parabens to name a few. These chemical compounds are known to cause severe health issues such as cancers, hormonal imbalance, and allergies among many others.

When I started looking for natural alternatives I came across many beautiful recipes. But, most of them contained coconut butter as the base ingredient. I live in a tropical, humid part of the country and applying coconut butter on my underarms wasn’t a good idea. I wanted something light and water based – I remembered something I had read long back. It is an ingredient which is always found in the refrigerator and commonly added to salads. I’m talking about the little magic ball – a lemon. Yes, a lemon. Surprised? That is all you need to keep body odor at bay.



  • Juice of 3 lemons.
  • 4 – 5 drops of Lemon Essential Oil. (Optional, but adds a beautiful, fresh fragrance to your homemade project)
  • A spray bottle to store the deodorant.


Squeeze out the juice from 3 lemons and pour it into a spray bottle. Add 4-5 drops of lemon essential oil into lemon juice and shake it well. There you go – you just made your own chemical free, natural deodorant. It dries quickly without leaving any stains on my clothing. And the best part – it keeps the body odor at bay for the whole day. I have used this on days when I have had a lot of physical activity and it works perfectly. You may replace lemon essential oil with any other nice-smelling essential oil. I love to use lemon essential oil in the deodorant because it smells wonderful. Summery, fresh. You may skip using essential oil too. Lemon juice by itself is brilliant. Also, make a fresh batch each week and store it in the refrigerator. Do not use old batch.

A word of caution – spraying the lemon deodorant on freshly shaved/waxed skin may cause burning and irritation of the skin.

Go ahead and try this natural, one ingredient deodorant. Bring your family into using it. Spread the happiness. Trust me – you’ll never get back to using the chemical deodorants again. And, next time when life gives you a lemon, make your own natural, homemade deodorant.

Image Source – Unsplash

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