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I am into making my own skin care products these days. The ingredients for my cleanser and ubtans are easily available in my local grocery or health store. But for natural butter and moisturizer, sourcing the raw materials were getting a little tricky. Either you get those which are too costly, or you might end up buying cheap quality ones. So, where do you get Cocoa Butter, Shea Butter and Bees Wax in India?

I had previously used Green Junctions Shea Butter and I loved it. I had used up my previous bottle, so I went back to order a new one, that’s when I saw they sell a customized DIY kit. And, they are priced reasonably. This post will cover the basic details about usage and the availability of Cocoa Butter, Shea Butter and Bees Wax. Read on.

The Green Junction DIY Kit contains –

  • Green Junction’s Raw Shea Butter – 100 grams
  • Green Junction’s Raw Cocoa Butter – 100 grams
  • Green Junction’s Bees Wax – 100 grams (cubes)

And, all this is priced at Rs.750. In case you are not interested in buying the entire kit, you can also order these separately. Also, they do not charge for shipping. The seller, Ekta, is a very friendly person and I got my kit delivered in two – three days. 🙂

Green Junction’s Raw Cocoa Butter –

It is faint yellow in color and is in small chunks which are not uniform. The moment you open you get the smell of milk chocolates. Yes, it smells like milk chocolate and not the dark ones. YUMMY. I realized one thing: if this is the true smell of Cocoa Butter, which is mild and soothing, how is it that all commercial cocoa body lotions and butter have such strong aroma of cocoa? Especially the Vaseline Coco Glow lotion, I hate that smell. Well, coming to the topic, the butter melts the moment it comes in contact with your hands. So ensure that you store it in a cool and dry place. And never, ever use your hands to take out the product. Always use a clean, dry spoon to scoop out the needed amount. It is one amazing ingredient I have laid my hands on. I can’t wait to experiment further.


Green Junction’s Bees Wax –

You get 6 blocks (100 grams) along with the DIY kit. They are pale brown in color and very hard. I do not think it will melt at room temperature. The smell of bees-wax is very different. It smells raw. And personally, I did not like the smell much (but that isn’t a concern). Also, the smell of the bees-wax is not powerful at all, and thus, it does not interfere with the smell of lip balms/butter. You cannot cut it with a normal kitchen knife as the wax is very hard. I used a cheese grater to grate the bees-wax from one side. Once you grate it, it looks like intertwined threads. Always remember, bees-wax is meant to harden the product. So more the wax, more hard your product becomes. If you add more, you’ll end up making a stone. It’s that hard. The ratio is 2:1 (2 parts Butters & Oils and 1 part Bees Wax)



Green Junction’s Raw Shea Butter –

This is Raw, Unrefined Shea Butter obtained from fruits of Karite Tree, which means the TREE OF LIFE. It is white in color, waxy and smooth, and has a nutty aroma. A small quantity of this butter glides easily into your skin leaving it well moisturized. I love using shea butter as is.

Precautions to be taken while using the natural butter –

  1. Always store natural butter in a cool and dry place. You can store it your refrigerator as well.
  2. The product does not come with any expiry date. Ensure you use only a clean spoon/spatula to scoop out the necessary product.
  3. Point number 2 is very important. Because last time my entire Shea Butter started getting the old smell very soon because I kept using my hands to take out the product.
  4. If you plan to make your own lip balms or body lotions, remember to use the double boiler method to melt the butter. Do not use direct flame and never bring the butter to boil, as it may disrupt its natural form.

So that’s all about natural, raw butter and bees-wax for today.

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