My goal for 2020 is to read at least 25 books. That’s a big number for me. So far, I’ve read 7 books and I’m quite happy with the books I chose to read. Here is a quick summary of my reads so far –

The Five Love Languages, Gary Chapman

This was my first book of 2020 – I chose this book because it has some amazing reviews all over the Internet. The book is good but somehow I wasn’t very impressed. While I agree with many concepts and ideas mentioned in the book, I couldn’t relate to the scenarios and examples given here. Nevertheless, it is a good book. I think this would make for a great coffee table book – because you could just pick it up anytime, anywhere and gain some wisdom.

Kafka on the Shore, Murakami

Kafka on the Shore is my second Murakami book. The first one was Norwegian Wood. And just like Norwegian Wood, Kafka on the Shore has left me with so many unanswered questions. I’m not going to try and find answers – because I think that is the intent of this book. Kafka on the Shore is weird but amazing. Somehow I always end up angry, confused and in AWE after I finish reading a Murakami book. I am amazed by Murakami’s storytelling capabilities and his imagination.

And once the storm is over, you won’t remember how you made it through, how you managed to survive. You won’t even be sure, in fact, whether the storm is really over. But one thing is certain. When you come out of the storm, you won’t be the same person who walked in. That’s what this storm’s all about.

Kafka on the Shore, Murakami

The Prospect of Flowers, Ruskin Bond

If you love nature and the simple things in life, you will love Ruskin Bond books. I think one can never go wrong with a Ruskin Bond book. His simple, heartwarming words are magic. So just like any RB book, The Prospect of Flowers was a nice read. Short stories on nature, flowers and everyday life – just so beautiful. I think I wanted to read Ruskin Bond after reading Murakami because I need that balance between intense and light – if you understand what I mean. 🙂 My favourite stories were from the book were- The Prospect of Flowers, The Cherry Tree and Night of the Leopard.

The Little Coffee Shop of Kabul, Deborah Rodriguez

This was a quick and wonderful read. The book is light and easy to read. I loved the story and the characters – somehow I felt I understood each of them intimately. While the book touches upon many sensitive issues regarding the wars and general life in Afghanistan, it does not get very deep or intense. If you are someone who enjoys reading about a different place and culture, this book will leave you craving for more of Afghanistan. This book is precisely why I read my next book on Afghanistan.

The Kite Runner, Khaled Hosseini

Now this book is a classic. I loved, loved The Kite Runner. This book, according to me is about friendship, love and war. You know, it was difficult to read this book. Not because it was boring, it was great! But, because it was exceptionally painful to even imagine the circumstances of the characters in the book. There were many questions in my mind as I read this book – What decides where we are born? Why do some people have a rough start when some sail smoothly? Why do we need wars? Why? The book goes deep into the tragic affairs of Afghanistan, the life of refugees, the violence and abuse. Overall, a great book and will leave you thinking.

Children aren’t coloring books. You don’t get to fill them with your favorite colors.

The Kite Runner, Khaled Hosseini

For you, a thousand times over.

The Kite Runner, Khaled Hosseini

How to break up with your phone, Catherine Price

My husband had saved this book to the reading list in our kindle. He thinks I use my phone too much (I agree!) and thought this book would help me improve my phone habits. This book was good and I think it is written for chronic phone addicts. I’m not one but I think everyone would benefit from reading this book. I understood a lot about how and why our smartphones are built the way they are. My biggest takeaway from this book was the fact that our phones and apps are built in a certain way to get us addicted. Wow! The book gives you insight into your phone habits. Plus, it also gives you suggestions for improving your habits. Do read this book when you find some time – I’m sure you’ll go back with some wisdom.

The Unhoneymooners, Christina Lauren

I decided to read this book because of the last two books I read. The Kite Runner was intense and How to Break Up With Your Phone was thought-provoking. As I said, I love to have a balance. That’s the reason I started reading this rom-com. 🙂

Alright, the book is good and I would have loved it as a college-going kid. Nice characters, good romance, funny story, a beautiful holiday, breakup and patch up – it would have fed my younger soul well. But now, I can only say this book was a good timepass. Honestly, I did enjoy the causal reading without having to think and process too much. That was my aim of reading this book.

As much as I enjoyed the casual reading I also realised books like this are not for my current self. I’m at a stage where I love to read stuff that kindles my thoughts and questions my ideas and choices. Books like that give me a new perspective and I love it. So The Unhoneymooners is a good book – just that I should have read it a few years earlier. 😉

Alright, that sums up this blog. I’m quite happy with what I’ve read so far in 2020. I’m currently reading Tawaifnama by Saba Dewan. What are you reading at the moment?

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